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Brecon Break


Welcome to the Plym Ramblers Social Events 


​Below you will find the events we organise each year.

More information will appear close to the date of an event.

All events have a charge to cover our costs.






A great evening activity which, fortunately, takes place indoors. There are a dozen or more table games of skill to have a go at. Nothing complicated but can be slightly competitive. Using dexterity, a good eye and a sense of humour.




This is a good participation meeting where you enjoy the company of others whilst trying to bowl wooden balls to hit wooden skittles. The evening includes a basket meal at the Westward Inn in Lee Mill.




A very popular quiz night on general knowledge with some local questions. Organised by Laurence and Blodwen with their special audio visual show. Everyone gathers in teams and the winners at the end get a box of smarties (or the equivalent). Those attending will bring a pot luck supper.




These takes place in areas beyond our normal walks range. The trip usually lasts 4 days with a stay in a hotel for 3 nights. Daily walks are provided by Plym Ramblers' leaders.  




This ever popular treasure hunt is on foot and takes place at various venues within 20 miles of Plymouth. The hunt lasts about 2 to 3 hours and can be done by anyone over 10 years. At the end of each hunt the group meets in a local pub and over lunch we announce the winners.  




This is an afternoon activity starting with a walk and concluding with a well-earned barbecue. The walk starts at 2pm and the barbecue at 5pm. This event always takes place by a village hall in various locations so that when we return from the walk we can use the hall facilities. If the weather is unsuitable for outside we can move into the hall.




This highly popular evening will be held on Thursday, 1st August at Brickfields, Plymouth Albion Rugby Club (lower car park). Take the Cumberland Road and then the Madden Road into Brickfields.
We will meet at 5.30pm to start playing at 6pm. 
You will need to be there before 6pm to order food!
The menu is as follows:
Fish and chips £7.  Fish alone £5.  Chips £2
Sausage and chips £5
There will also be a £1 donation for the Boules club.  Cash only (preferably the correct money).
Please bring your own drinks and chair.  No need to book in advance.  Just come and enjoy.
For more information, contact




Sunday, 1st September. Looe. Long & Easy Walk. 4 miles (Easy) and 7 miles (Medium).

For short walk Looe to Kilminorth woods & on to Watergate and return.

Long walk from Sandplace Station & on to Dunloe, Sowden’s Bridge, Watergate & back to Looe.
Some hilly bits.


Leaders: Dave B and Chris.

This is our annual trip. This year we travel to Looe by train from Plymouth station. More details about train times and prices to follow.
There are plenty of cafes in Looe for after the walks.




This year it's a trip to St Ives from the 22nd to the 25th October, with walks every day and visits to local events.

The balance for this holiday must be paid. Look out for the details when we have them from HF.

Next year we propose to holiday at Abingworth in the South Downs for gentle guided walks for 4 nights from Sept 22nd to Sept 25th 2025

The group cost (we must be more than 10) is £610 per person fully inclusive of all meals.
The walks range from 3 to 8 miles. The clue is in the GENTLE guided walks.




This annual event brings everyone together to enjoy a morning walk followed by lunch in a local pub.

Sunday, 1st December. Short Walk. Plymbridge. Easy. 5 miles.

Plymbridge and Cann Woods. Followed by a MEAL at Boringdon Golf Club.


Leader: Brian

Start at 10am in the car park at Plymbridge (Grid Ref: 526 587).

Take the Plymouth Road to the junction with Glen Road. Turn left along Plymbridge Road to the car park. Menu and further details will be available to members nearer to the day.